Harsco Hy-Rail®


LKO Teknik AB is from year 2000 the agent for Fairmont HY-RAIL® in Scandinavia. Fairmont is part of Harsco Track Technologies, USA.

Fairmont in Minnesota, USA, has manufactured Hy-Rail since 1949. They have an annual production of approximately 1,000 units in all sizes and distribute world wide.

LKO can offer our customers Hy-Rail for everything from smaller SUVs to 29 ton trucks. High volume means low prices for our customers. This includes ‘ready to go’ Hy-Rail vehicles, with the necessary safety systems for the Scandinavian market (brakes, lights, electronic speed control, ‘dead man´s grip’, etc.).

The concept vehicle on the picture above is sold for approximately SEK 995,000, including safety system and utility box (the laser system is not incuded in this price).

Harsco provides more information about Harsco Hy-Rail on www.harscorail.com/equipment/hy-rail.html.

firetruck_and_red car

For further details, please contact us via e-mail, phone, fax or mail.