L-KOPIA/LKO are specializing in clearance measuring and surveying of tunnels, railways, roads, etc. We use a state of the art laser technique, enabling extremely fast measuring and testing. Tasks that would take months can be done in a few days, and the result can be viewed and edited on site, on a personal computer. Data can easily be recorded and e-mailed from field computers.
In addition, our customers get more accurate results, as the laser technique enables much higher resolution.

We develop and sell three different systems:

We also perform clearance contracting services in many countries.

L-KOPIA/LKO customers include five major railway companies in the United States. Other major L-KOPIA/LKO customers are Railroad companies in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Canada, Australia, Belgium, United Kingdom, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Taiwan, Bulgaria and Romania. L-KOPIA and LKO are proud to be approved as the most accurate and user friendly Clearance Laser System of several railroads worldwide.