L-KOPIA started a 333 Mile Survey in Florida. LKO just finished a major post processing project in Norway


In a joint venture for the Florida Clearance Survey, our crew started in Jacksonville yesterday, September 4th. The first major structure was the double track bridge over St. John River in Jacksonville. We estimate that the fieldwork will be finished in 10 weekdays. Post processing started as soon as we received the first field data via our FTP (File Transfer Protocol). The bridge clearances and track centers are already delivered to the customer one day after the bridge survey.

Part of the TT Bridge over St. John River in Jacksonville, Florida on a damp Wednesday, September 4, in 2024. Our LMS scanner is weather protected and a real workhorse!

LKO just finished all 2024 data processing for Bane Nor in Norway. New for 2024 is our delivery of 108 platform Corner files. Bane Nor receives X, Y and Z (KM) coordinates for every meter of all surveyed platforms in Excel format (also in CUS format for our ClearLoad software at Bane Nor).

A Platform Corner Sample from Norway. We use the same RAW-files for all features in the LKO L-KOPIA Software. The Excel format sample below also gives our customer the total length of a platform.

Please contact us with any questions regarding this month’s newsletter.